The PREMIERE AND ONLY Kingdom Program Designed & Dedicated To Chronicling The Building & Scaling of Lifestyle Businesses As Kingdom Minded Entrepreneurs &/or Vocational Ministers Without Excuses Or Delay.

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What Do I Gain By Joining Today?

* Imagine * Ideal * Design * Create * Build * Scale * 

We Took The Foundations Of Our High Value Programs & Consolidated Them Just For YOU!

Let's chronicle what it's like to go from the imagination realm to the implementation realm with your idea for a lifestyle business without excuse, blame or delay and WITH Humor, Style & FUN!

What Is The Kingdom Lifestyle Institute®?

Dear Kingdom Minded Creator,

4 Years ago my husband and I "retired" at the ages of 53 & 54. We had a good run of business & life was good...Patrick had completed a successful 30+ year run on Wall Street and we had lived & worked in New York City, Beverly Hills and the San Francisco Bay Area; I had slowly closed my successful International Interior Design & Decorating business as we dreamed of 'tapping out' to our 2nd home of 15 years in Lake Tahoe, California.

It was awesome for like 5 minutes...

And then...

We looked at eachother and thought, what the &$%% did we just do?

REAL QUESTION! >> Have you ever been in that place where you got what you wanted but it wasn't acutally what you wanted? But you didn't find out it wasn't what you wanted until after you got it?


Can we say Thank God For HUMOR! We had a good laugh, and started building again...after about 9 months of - confession time - indulgent rest. It was blissful for real until we were like - hey, we aren't dead yet! let's get to building some more!...

So, among other things, we wrote a book, held some onsite conferences, started a few businesses, 4 to be precise, with several mini-off shoot businesses. We have a SFR lifestyle business, a holiday decor lifestyle business, a consulting business to corporations & senior executives & c-suiters, and a lifestyle business that serves faith based entrepreneurs in the online space. 

It's been very fruitful. Very.

Ok Ann, I get it - what is this? And why?

I asked myself the question, what would I have paid for 4 years ago that I did not have access to - to save hundreds of thousands of dollars and about (on any given day during that 4 years) 35 - 50 pounds...

It was this simple answer: I wish someone would have chronicled WHY & HOW they build in different models so I could simply follow along and learn - at my own pace - WITHOUT BLAME, EXCUSES OR DELAY - meaning they simply share the good, the bad - the TRUTH of what it actually takes.

We created the Kingdom Lifestyle Hub to chronicle how you can go faster, wiser and profit more quickly, all from a Kingdom, faith based mindset. Helping you build well so you don't make the same mistakes we made...

Tip #1: Money loves speed. Stop making excuses.

Tip #2: You can't build a fire without wood. Money is the wood, the fire is the wonderful result.

Tip #3: Pay for wisdom and mentors. Even The Bible says to buy wisdom. Proverbs 23.

Tip #4: Negative & religious people are broke, even if they have cash.

We share the process, chronicling how to build well and fast, prosperingly and with ease so you can get on with the rest of your life!

That said...Kingdom Lifestyle Institutute Group® and the corresponding Kingdom Lifestyle Hub™ website & program, are places we created to share the actual journey.

For over 30 years I have failed beautifully! No really! Some highs, some lows, some big successes - and in everyone of those, we learned. Failure is often the secret key to success - the faster we can fail forward - learn what does NOT work, the faster we can succeed.

Tip #5: Embrace what the world calls failure. It's not failure to a Kingdom Kid - it's information, fast gained & useful for profit.

Tip #6: If you can't LAUGH and HAVE FUN, don't do it! According to Dale Carnegie: People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.

Kingdom Lifestyle Hub is a FUN place where Patrick and I will be sharing, chronicling really, the actual building of lifestyle businesses. 

We invite you to join us!

What Is A Lifestyle Business Anyway?

A lifestyle business is set up to scale with a goal often tied to an income or wealth creation level that can be, but is not by nature, passive. It works for your express goals at any given time of your life.

Some of our businesses are built for wealth transfer, some for income, some for fun...some to sell...

Lifestyle Businesses work for your express goals.

In our view, a lifestyle business is designed and created to prosper while empowering you as the founder, and your team members, employees and clients to enjoy their particular season of life without toil.

Lifestyle Businesses do not enslave to toil, they empower to freedom.

Building Block # 1: Welcome Home!

  • Access to NEW Blockchain Hubbed Membersite - The KingdomLifestyleHub website is being built out to house our premium streaming service direct to you, without censorship and risk of removal based on what might be shared that is faith related. - - VALUE $ 297/ month or $ 3,564 for the year

  • We call this your WELCOME HOME!

Building Block # 2: Success Foundations!

  • Private Facebook Group - For those who like, we will have a private Facebook group where announcements and training will take place - - VALUE $97/month or $1,264
  • Connection - To other like minded builders of businesses and vocational ministries that are self sustaining
  • SUCCESS FOUNDATIONS: The same foundations we share with our top tier clients only in recorded form. Embrace these and prosper!

Building Block # 3: Ability Accounting!

  • Zoom Access to Monthly Big Picture Apostolic - Build according to the blueprint of heaven. Every build has a realm and monthly we tap into how heaven is creating so we are in alignment - Value $1,264
  • Every Month We Account For Our Ability as we learn how to build in season.

Building Block # 4: Truth Telling!

  • Streamed Access to the Recorded and Live Training Masterclasses on what to TRAIN on or include in your online lifestyle business.
  • Some of us are hobbyists, ministers, business owners or completely unsure of what we have been called to in this season of life!
  • That's ok! We are ALL in process. This building block includes access to the recorded trainings from the Signature Course portion of our top tier programs costing over $9,000 and more. Value $2,264

Got Questions? Who Is This For?

WHO Is The Kingdom Lifestyle Institute® For?

  People who are ready to fulfill the mandate on their life to build, but perhaps are not ready to step into a higher ticket value Signature Course Online Business building program like The Finisher Kit™ or Leverage Cap MAX™.

  People in vocational ministry who are looking for a supportive community of people who are present or future builders in the online space.

  People who love Jesus and are looking for training that is not only practical, but infused with encouraging faith filled perspectives.

  Work from Home people in search of encouragement during their building process.

  People who want some DIY Online Business Building Training Videos to learn from in a membership group environment.

 I am a member of The Finisher Kit™ or Leverage Cap MAX™, do I need to buy this?

NO!! You are already IN!!

Questions? We've Got Some (not all the) Answers...

  Can I join monthly?

YES! We have a monthly pay option which you can access by one of the button options above. 

  When is the LIVE Training?

The LIVE Monthly Big Picture Apostolic Training is typically on the first Wednesday of every month at 12 Noon Pacific. The Zoom link and Event information is emailed out weekly and is available in the Facebook Group.

  Is this like your high ticket Finisher Kit or Leverage Cap MAX Consulting Programs?

No, this is not like the high ticket very hands on consulting programs, HOWEVER, if at some point you would like to up level to those programs, we will credit you $995 towards the cost of those programs for the next 90 days. **different rules apply if you are paying monthly as the interest on your monthly payment does not count towards the cost of the other programs**

  What if I already have a thriving business?

No problem! Do you want to thrive faster & more effectively? Then join! We have created this as a way to chronicle business building so others can grow alongside. You may also want to check out The Finisher Kit™ and Leverage Cap MAX™ programs as those are geared towards more advanced business builders.

 What is the monthly schedule for The Kingdom Lifestyle Institute® at this level?

We have monthly Big Picture Apostolic scheduled for the first week of every month on Wednesdays at 12:00 pm PST (for now). Recorded for 24/7 access.

 What if I want to join later?

If you would like to join at a later date, you may, however the price offered may be higher.

 What if I change my mind, can I get a refund?

You may receive a refund within the first 30 days, LESS Credit Card processing fees if you pay in full for a year, or cancel your monthly membership at any time. We will not refund your monthly membership fee if you have been in the program longer than 14 days for that month.

 Are men allowed or will it only be women?

Going forward, as of September 1st, men will be allowed to join if they wish. Our branding is more geared towards LOVELIES - the women in the fold, however, if someone is a good fit and desires to join, we will not keep them out. ** That said, the Facebook Group is currently WOMEN ONLY. The Website group is where men, if they choose to join, will have access.

 Can I share this with a friend at this price point?

YES! If you have friends who need this encouragement TODAY - share it now and encourage them to join TODAY.

 Will you have an affiliate link for this program?

We do not.

 I am a member of The Finisher Kit™ or Leverage Cap MAX™, do I need to buy this?

NO!! You are already IN!!

Attention: Please Read Carefully!
All material of any kind on this page and associated pages is copyrighted. Any use is prohibited by law and will be punished to the fullest extent.

*Earnings and income representations made by The Kingdom Lifestyle Institute Group™ a Division of VECTORWORKS MEDIA, INC.™ and all associated companies are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. These results are not typical and results will vary. People that don't work hard and give up easily, get ZERO results. The results on this page are OUR results and from years of testing. We can in NO way guarantee you will get similar results.

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P.O. Box 158, Carnelian Bay, CA 96140